Monday, May 5, 2014

The King of Shambhala and Dem Bones...

The President
: Give it to me baby! Confess!
Number 48: Oh Dad, I'm your baby Dad, do you owe your baby something Daddy?
The President: Confess!
Number 48: The bones is yours Dad! They came from you my Daddy.
The President: Confess! Now you hep?
Number 48: Hip, Dad, hip.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: And a hip bone.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: And a thigh bone.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: Shin bone, knee bone.
The President: Confess!
Number 48: Back bone. All yours Dad.

Dem Bones

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dem Bones — also called Dry Bones and Dem Dry Bones — is a well-known spiritual song. The melody was composed by African-American author and songwriter James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938). Both a long and a shortened version of the song are widely known. The lyrics are inspired by Ezekiel 37:1-14, where the Prophet visits the "Valley of Dry Bones"[1] and prophesies that they will one day be resurrected at God's command, picturing the national resurrection of Israel.

The song[edit]

The chorus and verses are noted for many variations among performers, but fall into the following style. The second verse reverses the first in a pattern similar to:
The neck bone (dis)connected from the head bone
… etc…

Friday, April 4, 2014


Shambhala, the Village and the Prisoner...

The Village is Shambhala.  This is why the Village has multiple locations.  Number 6 dies at the beginning, goes to Shambhala; and when he is ready, reincarnates.

Fourth way and related teachings[edit]

G. I. Gurdjieff[edit]
Main article: Fourth way
The Graeco-Armenian G. I. Gurdjieff's teachings, known as the Fourth Way, mentioned a "Universal Brotherhood" and also a mysterious group of monks called the Sarmoung (also: Sarman, Sarmouni). Both groups were described as in possession of advanced knowledge and powers, and as being open to suitable candidates from all creeds. He also believed in advanced kinds of humans called "man number 6" and "man number seven", of whom he said:-
They cannot perform actions opposed to their understanding or have an understanding which is not expressed by actions. At the same time there can be no discords among them, no differences of understanding. Therefore their activity is entirely co-ordinated and leads to one common aim without any kind of compulsion because it is based upon a common and identical understanding.
...although he never explicitly linked "higher man" to his "brotherhoods".[14]